
Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Summer Time Kid Car Kit

I hope everyone had a fabulous weekend! I know I did!
We took a road trip to see family over the weekend and thanks to that I was able to get motivated to put these car kits together before we make the drive a little more enjoyable for the kids.
I found these great fold-able containers in a 2 pack at Target, used some VERY old pillowcases (thanks mom!) to make a liner and filled them with a TON of different things.
I made a liner so I can take it out and wash it and also to use as a cover to hide the stuff when I leave it in the back seat of my car.

Here are the 2 for my car and one for daddy's car:

And here is what I put inside:

coloring book, coloring pencils, clipboard, books, ABC flashcards, mirror, tissue and wipes, stuffed animals, magnet games, pinwheel (works great when the windows are down!), snacks that won't melt (pretzels, crackers, water), notebook, tic tack toe game, sunglasses, lacing toys

The possibilities are endless and I am always adding new things, also I put different things in each kit so they have something new and different depending on which car we are in. Just remember to put things in your kits that will not melt, now that summer is on its way!

And it Worked LOVELY!!!


  1. What a FuN blog!!I'm so glad I found it! Thanks for all of your CuTe and CrEaTiVe ideas!! I gave you an can view it at: ~play along if you'd like!~

  2. I love your box! I have a small plastic container that I've been using for my girls, and I also let them use it during quiet time when we're on vacation.

    I've heard (and so far it seems to be true) that the crayola twistables don't melt. I paid the extra money for them, but they are only used in the car.

    Love the snack idea!

  3. So I guess this means you aren't willing to drive my two-year-old for the beach for us this summer?! Fine, I guess I'll have to copy your cute idea!

  4. Thanks for such a wonderful idea! I shared it with my friends on our blog Simply Doing Something. I'll post a picture there once I complete the project for my son!
