
Thursday, May 28, 2009

Reusable shopping bag....makeover!

We have all seen the reusable bags that are available at most grocery stores. I bought mine for $1 a bag and every time I use them again I get a few cents off my grocery bill. I LOVE mine, but got tired of being asked if they were new or if I had previously bought them......despite the big permanent "R" I had put on them. SO....I decided to make them a little bit more fun. I guess only going grocery shopping once a month I was not breaking them in fast enough :)

Here is what I did, SIMPLE SIMPLE!!!

Depending on what you are trying to cover up, cut strips of fabric just a little larger then what you need to cover. I decided to cover the part in the middle of the bag, so I used that as my guide. I also covered BOTH sides of the bags.

I folded and pressed the fabric like this,

to fit inside the part I was covering.

Turned the fabric right side up and and pinned it like this to the bag. I found it easiest to slip my hand inside the bag as I pinned, making sure not to pin the bag closed.

Now it's time to sew. This part can be a little tricky, just make sure to not catch the under part of the bag because it would make it so it doesn't open.....oops, I had to use my seam ripper a couple of times!! Sew a full rectangle making sure to close all the ends of the fabric.

There you have it! I think they look a lot cuter now and more used!!

**** I chose to sew fabric on the bags instead of using heat n bond or some other iron on adhesive only because of the material the bags are made of. I didn't want to melt anything.
I think these are a great way to dress up an ugly bag, stained bag or I even think they would make a great wedding gift!
Happy Sewing!


  1. genious!!

    I am going to have to give that a try. some kids fabric would make a great birthday gift/gift bag that can be used over and over for SO many things!

  2. What a cute and simple idea. I need to used reusable bags more and this would help me to do so. being fashionable and everything :)

  3. I presented you an award on my blog...

  4. Hi, Just wondering what store you got those bags at!!! I would LOVE to get some orange ones :)

  5. I should invest in some of those. How fun! great idea could use old scrap fabrics...easy!

  6. I found these fun colors of bags at a local grocery store called Harmons. I know Walmart has black, Target has red and at a couple of dollar stores I have seen them in a few different colors. SOOOOO happy that you all like this idea!!

  7. Those are adorable! You could really show your own personality with a little effort, couldn't you? Love them!

  8. this is the perfect for those bags. I need to do this to a couple of mine. thanks so much.

  9. thanks f checking out my blog! i LOVE your blog too!! this project is great! can't wait to get home and do this!!!

  10. are you kidding me? brilliant! i always feel so strange bringing a store logo bag into a different store, this is the perfect solution,thanks for sharing!

  11. This is so smart!! It's actually cheaper to buy a bag already made, but they're not pretty. Your idea for sewing a fabric panel on to them gets the best of both worlds! I posted a link to your tutorial on Craft Gossip Sewing:

  12. What a lovely difference a bit of fabric can make!

  13. Those bags went from yuck to beautiful!!! I want to buy some of those reusable ones now!!!! I am featuring this on

  14. just letting you know that this idea is GREAT! i bought 15 bags and i'm recovering them and using them as gift bags for christmas this year!

  15. OMG, this is too cute. I was just thinking what to do for some friend's birthday gifts and this would be PERFECT. Thanks for being sooo creative!

  16. What a great idea!! Thanks for linking @Creative Itch's "Sew Cute Tuesday"!!

  17. What a great idea! I have a ton of reusable bags that are well....drab. Never once have I thought to add a few special touches! Thanks for the inspiration!
