"The desire to create is one of the deepest yearnings of the human soul. No matter our talents, education, backgrounds, or abilities, we each have an inherent wish to create something that did not exist before." President Dieter F. Uchtdorf

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Reusable shopping bag....makeover!

We have all seen the reusable bags that are available at most grocery stores. I bought mine for $1 a bag and every time I use them again I get a few cents off my grocery bill. I LOVE mine, but got tired of being asked if they were new or if I had previously bought them......despite the big permanent "R" I had put on them. SO....I decided to make them a little bit more fun. I guess only going grocery shopping once a month I was not breaking them in fast enough :)

Here is what I did, SIMPLE SIMPLE!!!

Depending on what you are trying to cover up, cut strips of fabric just a little larger then what you need to cover. I decided to cover the part in the middle of the bag, so I used that as my guide. I also covered BOTH sides of the bags.

I folded and pressed the fabric like this,

to fit inside the part I was covering.

Turned the fabric right side up and and pinned it like this to the bag. I found it easiest to slip my hand inside the bag as I pinned, making sure not to pin the bag closed.

Now it's time to sew. This part can be a little tricky, just make sure to not catch the under part of the bag because it would make it so it doesn't open.....oops, I had to use my seam ripper a couple of times!! Sew a full rectangle making sure to close all the ends of the fabric.

There you have it! I think they look a lot cuter now and more used!!

**** I chose to sew fabric on the bags instead of using heat n bond or some other iron on adhesive only because of the material the bags are made of. I didn't want to melt anything.
I think these are a great way to dress up an ugly bag, stained bag or I even think they would make a great wedding gift!
Happy Sewing!


DairyQueen said...


I am going to have to give that a try. some kids fabric would make a great birthday gift/gift bag that can be used over and over for SO many things!

Gosfam said...

What a cute and simple idea. I need to used reusable bags more and this would help me to do so. being fashionable and everything :)

Gosfam said...

I presented you an award on my blog...http://ch-leslie.blogspot.com

Anonymous said...

Hi, Just wondering what store you got those bags at!!! I would LOVE to get some orange ones :)

Amanda said...

I should invest in some of those. How fun! great idea too...you could use old scrap fabrics...easy!

nap time journal said...

I found these fun colors of bags at a local grocery store called Harmons. I know Walmart has black, Target has red and at a couple of dollar stores I have seen them in a few different colors. SOOOOO happy that you all like this idea!!

Launi said...

Those are adorable! You could really show your own personality with a little effort, couldn't you? Love them!


Martha said...

this is the perfect for those bags. I need to do this to a couple of mine. thanks so much.

Kathryn said...

thanks f checking out my blog! i LOVE your blog too!! this project is great! can't wait to get home and do this!!!

Megan said...

are you kidding me? brilliant! i always feel so strange bringing a store logo bag into a different store, this is the perfect solution,thanks for sharing!

Anne said...

This is so smart!! It's actually cheaper to buy a bag already made, but they're not pretty. Your idea for sewing a fabric panel on to them gets the best of both worlds! I posted a link to your tutorial on Craft Gossip Sewing:

Anonymous said...

What a lovely difference a bit of fabric can make!

michelle@somedaycrafts said...

Those bags went from yuck to beautiful!!! I want to buy some of those reusable ones now!!!! I am featuring this on somedaycrafts.blogspot.com

Bonnie said...

What a great idea !!!

Kathryn said...

just letting you know that this idea is GREAT! i bought 15 bags and i'm recovering them and using them as gift bags for christmas this year!

Paula said...

OMG, this is too cute. I was just thinking what to do for some friend's birthday gifts and this would be PERFECT. Thanks for being sooo creative!

Misty @Creative Itch said...

What a great idea!! Thanks for linking @Creative Itch's "Sew Cute Tuesday"!!

Lauren said...

What a great idea! I have a ton of reusable bags that are well....drab. Never once have I thought to add a few special touches! Thanks for the inspiration!