
Wednesday, April 8, 2009

What do I use the most of in the kitchen?

Someone asked me the other day what things I use the most when in the kitchen. Since I have drastically changed how I cook, for the Type 1 diabetic and that me who wants a slimmer waistline, in our house I thought I would share those things with you!
A scale and measuring cups(notice how many sets) : We measure out 90% of our portions.
calculator : because my math and memory is not like it used to be. (to add up the carbs)
sharpie and tape : to put the amount of carbs on the to-go-to-work lunch container for the hubby and to also write love notes on his lunch sack !
Calorie, Fat and Carb counter book (found at Barnes and Noble) - AMAZING! This is my new companion in the kitchen and on the go. It has everything in it.
Just a little extra time to count and calculate our food we have dropped the A1C level and also dropped 25 lbs! Who wouldn't want that! I should have used these things years ago!

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