
Friday, April 10, 2009

Anniversary idea for your significant Other

Take an old board book from this....

Too This !!!

Here is a look inside....
write little love notes, add pictures from your dating years and recent years
and watch the smile on his face :)

This makes a great personalized card for sure!


  1. what a sweet idea. I think I will have to maket this for my hubby for our anniversary in June.
    thanks for the fun blog.

  2. Hi,
    I added this blog on the MMB under the homemaking heading.

    I cannot add your other 3 blogs until you have either a link or our button up. Once that is done, send me another email with their URL's. I will list those blogs in the Hobbies section, as I do not have a political section at this time.

    Thanks and welcome to the MMB!
    ~motherboard, mmb

  3. That is rad! Why didn't I think of that? :)

  4. I have actually done this for years I should show you some of my stuff. I have some things. One of my talents that I consider my talent is I take old things and turn them new. Growing up I didn't have a lot of money so I had to find things to make crafts out of so I would get into the news paper and cut out letters and pictures and I made a scrap book. I would hit the DI and that is where I got this idea also. When I saw this I thought wow great minds think alike. I have given all the ones that I have made away but I can and love to make new ones I love crafts. The other day I got a magazine and with out even thinking I cut out some pictures and aaron said did you just make that out of the magazine and I was like ya and he is just so amazed at how I can do so much with so little. That is why they call it scrapbooking you are suppose to take scraps and put them together so I guess I take that Idea to heart.
