
Sunday, January 29, 2012

Baby Boy Blessing Outfit

My Little Man
in his man suit :)

We first saw this cute outfit  (pictured below) and bought it.  It was cute.....but much cuter on the hanger.  When we put it on our little guy, immediately my husband and I thought that it just was not him, nor was it our style so we returned it and I went hunting for a different outfit.
Thank Goodness for Carter's.
This is the white hoodie outfit that we went for for our little guy's blessing outfit.
And take a look at that face.
I think he was much happier with this look.

1 comment:

  1. I was looking for a blessing outfit for our little guy, but we did end up buying the one from distribution. We saw the one at Carter's, but it wasn't our style, but the distribution one was perfect for him! We blessed him yesterday and it was a wonderful day, as I'm sure yours was, as well :)
