
Sunday, October 10, 2010

Halloween Advent

 I finally finally got this done.....I was going to make one last year.....until my pregnancy went high risk and I was just to tired and sick to do it.  No excuses this year :)  So I sat down and did it in 2 days while I watched and listened to this last weekend. I love conference weekend!!

 I hit up Michael's for non-treat fillers the other day...(.they had much better stuff then the dollar store did) Just find the $1.00 stuff and they had so many fun things like silly pudy, stickers, pencils, make it yourself skeleton necklace, glow sticks,  a windup eye ball and others.
 They even had a ton of other bigger stuff (things that wouldn't fit into my pockets) but that was no problem.  I just took and index card, cut it in half and wrote the name of the bigger item on it.  I just keep the bigger stuff hidden in my room until they draw that item.  I also wrote down several things to do throughout the month, like making donuts, date night with mom, make cookies and going trick or treating.
 Here it is, all filled up with fun little surprises!
Here is how I made it:
Black felt : 25" wide and about 50 inches long
the felt pockets: 4"x4"
I typed the numbers on my computer, printed it out in the size I wanted, flipped the page and traced the numbers onto the heat n bond.  Then ironed the heat n bond onto black fabric, cut out the numbers and ironed them onto the pockets.  Did the same thing for the Happy Halloween at the bottom.  Hung it with a rod and tulle and your done!!


  1. This is fantastic! If you get a chance, I'd love for you to come link it to my party this weekend. Starts tomorrow at 6pm PST. Hope to see you there! Again, looks awesome!


  2. I have been looking for a advent halloween calendar. something that I can make myself in the little amont of spare time I have. Even if it doesnt make this halloween. Thanks a bunch.

  3. I have been looking for a advent halloween calendar. something that I can make myself in the little amont of spare time I have. Even if it doesnt make this halloween. Thanks a bunch.

  4. Love it. I've been wanting to make one of these for either Thanksgiving or Christmas. It is always nice to have something that takes the "how many more days until . . ." question out of the picture.

  5. Any chance I could buy one of these in a Christmas version in your on-line store?

  6. never thought about doing a halloween adent calender

    would love it if you could share this on Serenity Saturday link party at


  7. Awesome project! Love how much room you have in each pouch. What a fun way to get ready for Halloween for kids!

  8. What a lovely idea and a great job. My daughter loves her advent calender. One for haloween would never cross my mind. Thank u for the inspiration

  9. :)) These turned out awesome.. Love the idea..Great photo as well.. love it.. I would LOVE for you to link it up to my fall crawl blog party.. I'm officially following ya with smiles - I found ya on linky..GREAT blog with Lots of inspirations here :)) - the link to link up is
