
Thursday, April 1, 2010

Spring Flowers in a tin can

Kinda funny that I am posting these flowers after getting 4 inches of snow last April fool's joke here.....But since I don't have flowers outside, why not make some for inside your house?!
Here is what you need:
empty tuna or chicken cans, easter grass, floral foams, wooden dowels, paper and a circle punch, adhesive
Press the floral foam right into the can (no need to pre-cut it), add the wooden dowel to the middle, cover the can with a strip of paper then add grass.
To make the flowers:
punch out 8 circles(use double sided paper), fold in each side to the middle, put them together and then adhere a circle (that is just bigger then the circle you used for the pedals) to the front and to the back.  Tape or glue the flower to the wooden dowel then add some ribbon for the leaves.
You can use any size circle punch, just depends on how big you want your flowers.
Change it up a bit : top the dowels with paper eggs or I will be changing mine out with caterpillars that I made for my daughters upcoming birthday week!!
OR make the flowers then add a magnet to the back and dress up your fridge for spring!
Have fun with it!

Have a great Easter Weekend everyone and don't forget to
Enter My Giveaway.....ends tomorrow!


  1. Those are adorable! I need to make some. Thanks for the cute idea!

  2. Oh my goodness.....cuteness!!! I've got to make some right away! What a fabulous idea! Would you mind if I featured you and these darling flowers on my blog? Thank you for sharing such a fabulous craft!

  3. What a seriously cute idea! Sorry about the snow=)

  4. Can't believe you got snow! It's been beautiful here.

    I booked marked this one...

    Thanks for joining Get Your Craft on Thursday. Please join me next week for another wonderful party!!

    Please stop by next week I am having guest over each day and I would love for you to tell them HI!

  5. Love these flowers and what a really great idea! I have made these folded flowers on cards before but never thought about putting them in a bouquet like this!

  6. OK...I seriously love this idea!

  7. So stinkin cute!! I think I might even try this!

  8. Cute Cute! I MADE some several weeks ago that are just like yours, only put in recycled baby food jars. ;)

  9. Stephanie and I couldn't help admiring these in your apartment! You have really fun ideas! Love, Little Steph

  10. I never thought about tuna fish cans! Your flower arrangement is darling. I made something springy on April 1 too because I was tired of the snow!!!!

  11. These are sooo cute! Great idea!


  12. So cute. What a great way to repurpose tuna cans!
