
Monday, June 8, 2009

Tic Tack toe game

I found this great idea for a tic tack toe game HERE and so I made myself one.....ok it's really for the kids. It was a great way to use up some scraps! I also had some extra chip board squares in my scrapbook supplies so that is what I used for the pieces.

I highly recommend this project. Super fun and super easy!!


  1. Looks great! I love your combination of fabrics! Thanks for the mention! :)

  2. dude slow downnn on the projects, i dont have time to keep up with you :) i so need one of these! -rox

  3. You are so creative, I love stopping by your blog. I've given you a blog award because of your awesomeness, visit my blog to see it and get it, and keep up the creativeness!

    Sarah @
