
Monday, April 27, 2009

Quiet Book Ideas

Before I begin let me just say that I LOVED putting this quiet book together for my kids and only MY KIDS!! (it was a lot of hard work, late nights and miles onto the sewing machine)
So with that being said, I want to share with you the things that I came up with to make this possible so you can make your kids a QB. Hope these ideas help:

I used these painters faithfully.....they worked great and they come in all sorts of different colors. Just follow the instructions on the package.

I am NO artist my any means...therefore I thank the coloring books I already had to inspire me!!

On some of the pages I traced them right onto the fabric....

And for others I just used the picture and TRIED to draw my own or it gave me a great idea for a certain page.

And for some pages I used cookie cutters to trace the outline of animals.

I added a few games and activities as well.

I made a simple cover...... and no I did not attach the pages to the cover. What happens when you have several kids who all want to look at the book at the same time??? This is what my mother did for us when I was growing up-we each could work on a page at the same time and it really helped keep us more QUIET.

Some other supplies that I used were:
muslin for the pages
pellon in between the pages for extra strength
bias tape for the edges of the pages
buttons, snaps, Velcro for the pieces
flannel and ribbon for the cover
knee patches used to add strength to the back of the pieces
felt....a lot of felt!!
** each page is double sided, I made some easier pages as well as some harder pages since the kids are different ages

I sure hope this helps give you a few ideas for your own QB,
and remember, after all the hours it takes to put it together..... the kids will have even more fun using it.

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Please look at my May 11, 2009 post for a picture of all the pages!


  1. That turned out so cute!! Way to go!

  2. I Love Your Quiet Book!
    Will you make me one for my grandchildren??? :)

  3. Oh my goodness! That is THE cutest quiet book EVER! I swear I bring my kids' entire toy chest to church with me and I still end up in the foyer. This book is not only totally brilliant, but so dang cute it is just ridiculous. I am so impressed!

  4. I want to make I dare? I don't even know where to start!

  5. I need to get one made because my oldest is already getting bit old for this... and I begun gathering materials when she was yet newborn! Her younger sister should also enjoy it.

    How about making holes on one side so you could create mini books using rings and yet not have it all scattered in the pew for you to pick up after service. Just a thought...

  6. That is so cute! My baby is 16 so I do not think he would be in to this. *grins*

    I am going to make this for a shower gift!

  7. What a great and easy way to make one. I am totally goig to use this idea.

  8. This is the cutest quiet book I have EVER seen. I love the ideas and putting the pictures together. I would love to see all the pages you made.... I also LOOOOOVE the cover pages, so super cute!

  9. Adorable quiet book! Thanks for the super cute ideas!!

  10. Great Job!1 I love it. I can't wait to browse your archive for other great posts!!

  11. LOVE your tips and tricks. It actually makes it seem more doable to me. I blogged about you at

  12. Becca, I love your quiet book! I love how you kept the pages disconnected (my boys fight over our book at church!). I love it how you patterned it off your moms. That's what I did when I made mine and it brings back so many good memories to see my boys playing with it in church. And my mom used coloring books as her templates too. I wonder if our moms knew each other? My mom did mention she made our big red quiet book growing up with some other moms in her ward.

    PS- can I link to your blog from my quiet book blog? It is at, and on the side bar I have a bunch of links to other cute quiet book blogs to get all these great ideas circulating? Let me know and I'll put you up. I'd love to link to you!

  13. I've been looking at tons of quiet book ideas, and I think yours is the best. I love the cover, and how you did the pages individually instead of binding them together. What a great idea!

  14. Where did you get the painters markers? If you could let me know, my email is


  15. Thanks so much for the ideas and tips!!!!!! BEAUTIFUL!!!!

  16. i've looked through dozens of sites, and your quiet book is the cutest!

  17. Ok I love your cover (and your entire book)! Did you use a binder to give it the shape or how did you make it? I'd love to make one just like it! Thanks for sharing this awesome work of art!


  18. So cute! I'm kind of a quiet book fanatic... I just love 'em!

  19. receantly I has been just looking for new ideas to my quiet book, the way was similar to yours :)
    Result U got looks very nice Congratulations ! M@rta

    (my work U can see on: )

  20. I have looked at so many quiet books... still working up a nerve to make one.. my oldest is now 4 HAHA I have to say tracing the animal cookie cutters is absolutely BRILLIANT!

  21. if you enjoy making Quiet Book please join us on facebook with The Quiet Book Club were we share ideas and tips and pics with one another ;)!/groups/quietbookclub/
