"The desire to create is one of the deepest yearnings of the human soul. No matter our talents, education, backgrounds, or abilities, we each have an inherent wish to create something that did not exist before." President Dieter F. Uchtdorf

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Chef Salad Recipe

I love a good salad. 
If I don't have to stress over dinner it's even better.

Here is what's on my salad tonight.
organic Spring Mix
diced cooked ham
hard boiled egg
sunflower seeds 
garbonzo beans
bacon bits
ranch dressing


Anonymous said...

YUM! Can I be invited to dinner? That's a great idea for a light dinner! Thanks for your kind words on the Owl Mobile project! Hoping your weekend is awesome!
best - allison

KrisKay said...

That looks heavenly!!! Yummy!


oh man that looks yummo! I think I really should try this one. I totally forgot that you had made those car activities last summer, I cant beleive how much we think alike :)

Sonya@Beyond the Screen Door said...

This looks delicious!

Katie said...

That looks so yummy and easy to make! I love the idea to add sunflower seeds and cashews. I never remember to throw some of those on when I make dinner.

~Dawn~ said...

Looks DELISH! :)

Dawn @ Mom-a-Logues

Sassy Sites! said...

Thanks for joining our blog hop over at Sassy Sites! There are some amazing blogs out there, and you are definitely one of them! I'm a follower of yours too! Happy Friday! xoxo

Marni @ Sassy Sites!

Ashlee Marie said...

I'm not much of a salad eater mostly because I'm not a veggie fan. But this looks and sounds good! Thanks for linking up to Topsy Turvy Tuesday's!

Laura said...


Feel free to stop by my Etsy shop for free earring Fridays! http://www.etsy.com/shop/alongfortheride

Anonymous said...

That Looks AMAZING IM Starvin!!

Unknown said...

Looks delish! I love Chef salads loaded with all the goodies! Visiting from TT&J tonight! Have a great weekend!
~ Kim @ Sand & Sisal

Tiffany said...

Looks great! I love salads.